Green View

Garden Center

Fern Wall

Rare Houseplants

Learn about why some houseplants are considered rare, and how the needs of these elusive beauties differ from other plants in common collectors' repertoires.

Following this weekend's successful plant swap event, where members of the local communities in both Springfield and Dunlap brought cuttings, pots, and plant accessories to trade with other houseplant enthusiasts, we wanted to post an informational blog concerning the "rarity" of certain houseplants and why these elusive beauties can be in such high demand. If you attended our event, thank you! If you missed out this round, don't worry - our greenhouse staff has strongly suggested that this sort of event will become a regular occurrence at both of our retail locations!

What does it mean for something to be "rare"?

Rare houseplants are those that you won't typically encounter in your everyday shopping. Reasons for the scarcity of certain plants on the market can come from a wide variety of factors. Some of these are:

  • Difficulty in cultivation or propagation
    • Because certain plants grow more slowly or are less likely to reproduce in a controlled environment, they are less likely to be widely available on the mass market.
    • Highly variegated plants, for example, are notoriously difficult to propagate on a large scale because plants with less chlorophyll grow more slowly, and stressful growing conditions can result in reverted growth, meaning the desirable white, pink, or cream coloring can be lost.
  • Limited natural habitat or geographical trade restrictions
    • Certain plants, such as rare orchids and succulents, are endemic to certain regions. This means they have evolved perfectly in line with the climate and weather of certain places in the world. When these habitats are threatened, the availability of certain plants is restricted.
    • To prevent the movement of plant diseases, pests, and other ailments internationally, certain countries (and even regions within countries) have rules prohibiting the movement of plant material across borders.
      • Recently, shipments of marimo moss balls were found to be introducing unfamiliar pathogens to pet stores and aquarium shops in the US, and all of the plants responsible were found to be imported through a single port in California, prompting a lockdown on these cute, living aquarium filters. For reasons like this one, mass shipment of plants from global tropical regions is restricted.
  • High demand and intentional market shortages
    • When certain plants (think Monstera deliciosa 'Thai Constellation' or Philodendron 'strawberry shake') make big waves on the commercial market, due to social media influencers for example, growing operations will intentionally restrict the number of plants available on the commercial market in order to drive up demand and give the illusion of rarity.
      • While this practice is controversial from a consumer point of view, it's far from uncommon!

So, what's actually different about rare plants?

As any long-time houseplant enthusiast will tell you, the best plants in your collection are always, without fail, the ones you like the best. For many collectors, the $5 snake plant they got from the clearance bin will always triumph over the $200+ rare philodendron they purchased online, simply because they were able to bring it to a place of great health and beauty instead of purchasing it in its peak form. 

That being said, there is undeniable appeal in being responsible for a finicky, alien sort of plant whose needs you plan to learn as you go. There are qualities that make lots of difference in the longevity and health of every kind of houseplant; some that you have control over, and others that you don't.


Issues you can't control include:

  • Pest and disease resistance
    • Certain species are simply more susceptible to pest infestation and certain diseases, and even when well adapted, their foliage can be made more or less ugly by bug activity or fungal issues. While a green philodendron's foliage is dark and often won't show a few scars or bug bites, a pink one will show damage more easily simply due to its lighter color.
  • Native and cultural environment
    • If your collection and care routine are based around the care needs of philodendrons, introducing rare cacti to your home will require a learning curve. 
  • Adaptability of certain plants
    • Some plants are less reactive to changes in setting. While your Ficus benjamina will probably lose 40% of its foliage if you move it 2 feet from its usual place (an exaggeration, but they are nicknamed 'weeping fig' for a reason!), you won't notice much (if any) changes in your 'Raven' ZZ plant when moving it from store to home.


Meanwhile, you can increase your chances of success with certain plants by educating yourself on the native environments of your plants and emulating them to the best of your ability, being willing to engage with a trial-and-error mindset, and not being too hard on yourself if some of your plants foliage, flowers, branches, or other important features are damaged in transition. The author of this post, despite proudly owning more than 100 potted houseplants, has a philodendron 'White Knight' whose foliage tends to be spotted with brown, unevenly shaped, and awkward; but they know that when the plant is finally given the right regimen of care, those unsightly leaves will fall away, and a gorgeous plant will follow!


What are some rare houseplants to keep an eye out for?

Monstera deliciosa 'Thai Constellation' is a beautiful aroid plant that has taken the houseplant world by storm over the last couple of years. The off-white, cream-colored splashes of variegation bring an exotic lightness to any and every houseplant collection. Because they thrive in bright, indirect light, these plants can do well in a variety of home conditions, although they do best with at least an hour of direct morning sun. 

In contrast to the Monstera deliciosa 'Albo variegata', 'Thai Constellation' is a stable mutation; meaning, the plants can be grown from seeds and tissue culture and maintain the variegation patterns, while 'Albo' is a random genetic mutation and cannot be mass produced.



It is exactly this rarity that keeps Monstera deliciosa 'Albo variegata' at the peak of the rare houseplant charts. These beautiful mutant plants usually feature huge swaths of pure white coloration, which reportedly increases in coverage with greater light. Keep in mind that, unlike 'Thai Constellation,' 'Albo' can revert to the plant's base color form; meaning that without enough light, your 'Albo' can turn back into a simple green Monstera deliciosa.




From a different area of the world, Stephania erecta is a tuberous plant native to arid regions in Africa. These highly exotic plants are very slow to reproduce, often meaning that availability on the market depends on unethical poaching of these endangered plants.

For those who are able to source these beauties from reputable breeders and greenhouses, however, they are very unique and make an eye-stopping addition to any collection.






Philodendron varieties, such as 'Pink Princess' (pictured here), 'White Wizard,' 'Strawberry Shake,' and countless others, tend to draw appeal because of their white, cream, or pink splashed and speckled foliage. 

While many of these variegated varieties are now fairly common in the mass market, there are more than 10,000 varieties of philodendrons globally, making leaf shape, growth habit, foliage size and texture, and other qualities sometimes more desirable than coloration to the discerning eye.

Certain varieties, such as 'Ring of Fire', feature both toothed-edge leaves and pink-and-cream variegation, making them a double-whammy of visual appeal. Others, like 'Brandii', have a velvety texture and silver veins against a dark leaf, adding contrast and color.



Is the hype worth it? Should I shell out for some rare collectible plants?

In all honesty, the answer here depends on you and your collection! Do you pride yourself on having a dozen or so perfectly-cared-for, show-stopping plants? Are dozens and dozens of common plants crowding your windowsills, to the point that a rare beauty won't stand out against the sea of green? Are you interested in the eclectic, the bizarre, the alien aesthetic? All of these questions will determine whether or not rare plants are a worthwhile expenditure for you.

However, with plant swaps and other plant sharing events becoming common, your decision to buy one rare plant can (and often will) lead to the desire to swap cutting with someone who shelled out for another! In the last few years, houseplant ownership has become a true community where hobbyists, amateurs, and botanists alike can bond over their mutual love of these decorative pets and offer help to one another.


As always, thank you for reading, and we hope you can attend this spring's plant swap! Follow our Facebook page for more details about upcoming events, and we hope to see you soon!